What Causes Anxiety?

What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety is a state in which you find it difficult to control your emotional responses to perceived threats. While your ‘flight or fight’ response is a natural response to stress or danger, when that response is out of proportion to the actual danger of the situation,...
Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude Meditation

This simple gratitude meditation is a powerful tool for aligning to your true self, and coming back to the greater truth and magic of life, with reverence. It enables you to let go of the obscuration of the reactive mind and to cultivate and deepen your gratitude...
10 Principles for World Peace

10 Principles for World Peace

Given the concerning nature of world events lately, which are a lesson in mindfulness and reactivity for all players, and a profound message to us all about our self-empowerment and our passivity, it is fitting that I write this post as a rallying call for world...
The Message of Stress, Anxiety and Depression

The Message of Stress, Anxiety and Depression

As this week is Mental Health Awareness Week, I thought it fitting to write about stress, anxiety, and depression from a broader perspective. There is a wide spectrum of intensity of these states, and approximately 1 in 5 people report them. The unreported cases would...