Meditation has been used as a tool for self-realisation and self-development for thousands of years. In an earlier post, I listed meditation as one of the four ways of Finding Your True Self. Meditation is possibly the most powerful of the four ways. Given that a strong alignment with your true self is critical for your life to be on the right track, meditation should be a staple for your self-development and self-care. In this post I will show you how to meditate to find your True Self, and I will provide you with a simple guided meditation that I have written that you can use. There is also an audio recording of this that you can listen to.

Why Find Your True Self?

Your true self is the real you beyond your personality. Unfortunately, most of us were never taught in childhood to connect with it because we can only adapt to our current materialistic society by repressing the true self. Our parents, teachers, and role models, being part of this society, probably did the same. However, you are meant to maintain contact with your true self and integrate it into your personality, grounding its light into material reality.

By finding your true self, you can revive yourself and develop and direct your personality so that you can be more your true self, live your full potential, and stay on track with your true life purpose. In doing so, you can liberate yourself from conditioning, illusions, and dysfunctional patterns of living. Furthermore, with the support of others doing the same, you can stop adapting to repressive and destructive systems and, instead, help co-create a heart-centred, light-filled world that honours the highest potential of all life.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention inwards—without the distraction of your thoughts, feelings, and impulses, which normally trap the mind in reactivity. There are many kinds of meditation styles, but they all share this common process of focused inward attention. There is no right or wrong meditation style, but all good meditation practices will start with you setting an intention and aligning to your spiritual centre. Meditation allows you to enter an inner space where spiritual connection can be be made.

The kind of meditation that I am going to share with you is one that specifically connects you with your true self, and takes you into your most resourceful state by doing so. This meditation is a key way to find inner peace, wisdom, truth, compassion, gratitude, relaxation, freedom, and spiritual awakening. By taking you out of the trap of the mind’s reactivity, it gives you freedom to be your true self and to grow in self-realisation, wholeness, and wellbeing. Once you find your true self, you can identify your authentic needs and authentic values and use these with your inner wisdom to guide you through your life challenges to greater spiritual fulfilment and joy. You can also hold the light of your true self with others like you and help co-create a world based on enlightened values.

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

The difference between meditation and mindfulness is that meditation is more focused on self-realisation and inner experience, whereas mindfulness is an attitude—the practice of focusing your attention on the present moment without distraction or reactivity.

Mindfulness can be applied to all inner and outer activities, to deepen and clarify your presence and your experience of being. Meditation is an inner journey of self-realisation, in which you grow in self-awareness and self-realisation. Mindfulness can be used in meditation to focus attention for self-awareness.

A meditation can be a guided journey, or it can have a one-pointed focus. Meditating with one-pointed focus on being is extremely powerful and liberating. In the meditation I provide below, I will combine elements of both.

Preparing to Meditate

  1. Set aside some quiet time for your meditation in a place that is free from distractions and interruption. This is time for you, and for being you. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others: your authenticity and light.
  2. Adjust the temperature and lighting for your comfort if you are indoors; if you are outside in nature then find the most comfortable spot.
  3. Sit or lie down, whichever is the most comfortable. You do not have to maintain any special posture, and if you choose to sit you can use a chair if you prefer. If you choose to lie down there may be a greater chance of falling asleep. If so, sitting comfortably is preferable.
  4. Now set your intention for your meditation. It may be to find a deeper connection with your true self, to experience true being, or to experience such things as inner peace, relaxation, wisdom, compassion, or gratitude through your true self.

Guided Meditation

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
Allow any thoughts and tensions of the day to fall away.
Feel the muscles of your body relax as you let go of any physical tension.
Especially the muscles of the jaw and the eyes,
And any areas that you notice are more tense than others.

Feel each muscle relaxing as you let go of tension there.
Now focus on your breath as you breathe in and out,
Allowing it to flow smoothly,
Breathing in from infinity
And out to infinity,
Keeping your awareness on the breath
As you become one with the flow of life,
At one with your being
As you breathe in from infinity
And out to infinity.
And as you do so, become aware of that place of peace within:
The place where you are most yourself—
The centre of your being.
This is the real you,
Beyond the thoughts, dramas, and identifications of the mind.
You are not your thoughts.
You are not your emotions.
You are not the roles you play.
You are a centre of pure awareness,
A centre of pure being.
Journey to this centre,

And allow yourself to become more and more present there
As you breathe in from infinity
And out to infinity.
Keep your attention on the experience of being
And be more deeply.
Imagine that in this centre you are light

And allow that light to grow and expand with your being
As you become more and more present.
Breathing in from infinity
And out to infinity.
Become your infinite self.
Feel the light and the peace of this being.
Allow the light to flow through your entire body
Bathing every organ, every muscle, every cell,
Aligning your body to its true identity.
Allow the light to expand outwards around your body as if you are glowing,
As you breathe in from infinity
And out to infinity.
Feel the roots of your physical being going deep into the Earth,
Touching all living things with your light,

And realise how you are connected with the Earth.
Give thanks for the life you have
And the opportunity to be in physical form
Which teaches you the wisdom of authentic living.

Celebrate your true self,
Breathing in from infinity
And out to infinity.
As you stay present in your centre,
Experience your light radiating outwards through your locality,
Outwards across your country,
Across the world, and across time and space.
Feel your connection with all things.
You are an infinite self.
When you are ready, come back to your physical body,
In the present moment,
Keeping your attention on your breath,
Feeling yourself fully present in your body,
And slowly open your eyes,
Feeling fully grounded and centred
And ready to greet the rest of the day
With greater presence,
Greater authenticity,
Greater wisdom,
Greater peace,
Greater compassion,
And greater gratitude for life.

You can listen to this meditation here on my YouTube Channel.

Meditation and Spiritual Awakening

Using meditation to develop the inner space to connect with your true self and true nature is essential for your spiritual awakening and development. If you’re looking to turn a corner in your life and need to integrate your spiritual nature or call upon your inner wisdom, you can use meditation to help you get there. At all times, tending the inner sacred flame of light in meditation is part of honouring your true spiritual nature. Whether you’re new to meditation or an old hand, you can learn how to use it for your self-development, spiritual awakening, or healing by requesting a Guidance Session with me. This Guidance Session is ideal for learning how to discover and embody your true self and your spiritual light.

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