
Author, motivational speaker, and consultant on mindfulness, wellness, and authentic living, Leigh will help you to master self-development and peak performance, and to develop the necessary skills and strategies for meeting authentic needs and living holistically as an individual, organisation, or a community. You are of greatest and ultimate value to yourself and others by embodying your authentic self, and your authentic contribution to the world matters to us all, and is critical for sustainable living.

Leigh helps clients with:

  • Personal growth, self-development, and mindfulness
  • Authenticity
  • Peak performance
  • Wellness
  • Organisational success
  • Authentic and sustainable business practices
  • Relationship success
  • Conflict resolution
  • Authentic community building
  • Sustainable local community economies and currencies
  • Sustainable living and ecology

The following services are available to help you, your group, your organisation, or your community grow in authenticity, success, and wellbeing.


If you are looking for an inspirational lecture or keynote speech to raise consciousness and enlighten and motivate self-development, peak performance, and community spirit in your group or organisation, on a foundation of authenticity and holistic living, or are simply looking for an inspiring presentation on authentic and holistic living for a public event, Leigh will deliver. Leigh will show exactly why his strategies for harnessing the authentic self and honouring the holistic nature of our interactions with others and the world are essential to real, lasting success, fulfilment, and wellbeing. Leigh will customise his presentation to your needs to ensure the best results.

Seminars and Workshops

If you are looking for an in-depth exploration of the issues and solutions that most demand the attention of your group, organisation, or community, Leigh will help you. The principles, strategies, and skills taught will empower attendees to master their self-development, peak performance, authenticity, and wellbeing, while enabling them to better contribute in a rewarding way to their group, organisation, or community, and to the planet as a whole. This is essential for real success, and is demanded by the world we find ourselves in today. Leigh will customise his seminar or workshop to your needs to ensure the best results.


Whether you want advice, coaching, or a developmental plan for unlocking the full potential of your authentic self and life purpose, or for taking your relationship, your group, your organisation, or your community into greater authenticity, success, and wellbeing, Leigh excels at providing the bigger holistic picture and giving you and those around you what you truly need for achieving success and wellbeing. With a focus on mindfulness, Leigh will provide you with the principles, skills, and strategies that you need for self-development, for tapping the wealth, power, and wisdom of your authentic self, and for taking yourself and others into greater authenticity, efficiency, effectiveness, and wellbeing. Leigh will give you the guidance and inspiration you need to break through limitations, weaknesses, and unproductive states; grow in strength, potential, and value; and to positively transform your relationships and practices on a personal, professional, social, economic, and ecological level. Not only will you be succeeding in your own life, but you will also be contributing to the success and wellbeing of your business, community, and the planet as a whole—in the most authentic way.

Mediation, Conflict-Resolution, and Peacemaking

Are you experiencing conflict in your relationship, workplace, organisation, or community? If so, Leigh can provide mediation, conflict-resolution, and peacemaking services to turn the conflict around and help the real unmet needs that are generating the conflict to be met, creating peace. Unlike many traditional mediation, conflict-resolution, and peacemaking services, Leigh’s services give special attention to the core issues of mindfulness and authentic living, to help release limiting patterns of awareness that perpetuate conflict.

For more information on how Leigh can help you, your group, your organisation, or your community, and to discuss your requirements, contact us now!