The Art of Peacemaking in 9 Steps

The Art of Peacemaking in 9 Steps

Peacemaking and conflict-resolution—whether between individuals, groups, communities, or nations—require a transformation of consciousness to overcome conflict. This transformation will require a shift of awareness so that shared needs and commonalities are realised...
The Benefits of a Steady State Economy

The Benefits of a Steady State Economy

A steady state economy describes a stable economy that does not grow beyond its ecological limits. A steady state economy recognises that the Earth only has a finite amount of natural resources, and a finite carrying capacity, and eliminates the unsustainable...


Self-empowerment is the utilisation of inner power for greater freedom, self-fulfilment, and self-actualisation. It enables you to expand your awareness, choices, and capacities to meet your authentic needs, unlock your full potential, and be more your true self. With...
Debt-Free Money v Money-as-Debt

Debt-Free Money v Money-as-Debt

A debt-free money system as an alternative to a debt-based money system (money-as-debt) may seem too good to be true, but there are now practical examples of debt-free money systems that have been implemented by communities around the world. Debt-free money is...