Master your Mind, Wellbeing, and Spiritual Development


Uncover what holds you back and learn how my unique strategy of mindfulness-based self-development can help you to master your mind, wellbeing, and spiritual development.

Spiritual Self-Development

In today’s world, we need a self-development and wellness strategy that goes beyond mere life coaching. We now have deeper needs and life challenges to address that require a more specialised approach to self-mastery, along with deep wisdom and the cultivation of mind-body-spirit wellness.

I invite you to explore the benefits of the spiritual self-development strategy I’ve created during my 20+ years of helping people overcome their life challenges and grow in their spiritual development and potential. Benefits include:

  • Finding clarity and empowerment to master your life challenges and lessons.
  • Freeing your mind from distortions, biases, reactive patterns, and unresourceful and debilitating states.
  • Aligning to the spirituality of your True Self, which takes your life to a new level, reveals your greater life purpose, and brings you healing, wisdom, and true fulfilment.

The limitation of life coaching and many self-development programmes is that they don’t have the necessary blending of mindfulness and spiritual development to address full growth. Mindfulness is needed for mind-mastery, and a spiritual overview is needed for harnessing the full power of your True Self and addressing your deeper spiritual needs.

To explore more, book a Guidance Call with me to:

  • Get clear about your current situation, future direction, and greater life potential.
  • Start identifying the blocks that hold you back.
  • Discover how to clear these blocks, master your mind, and align with your True Self.
  • Learn how to build your life on a new spiritual foundation that honours your deepest authenticity.
  • Begin the required actions for your spiritual awakening and development.

“Working with Leigh Tremaine on the Inner Wellness Programme has been a privilege and a life-affirming experience… When having met Leigh for the first time after listening to and observing one of his mindfulness workshops; and instantly recognising his authenticity, compassion, and knowledge, I had no reservations in embarking on a journey with Leigh to address the most significant areas of my life. The reward for this has been immeasurable.”

– Chris, Norfolk, UK


Leigh is a highly intuitive self-development and spiritual teacher. I spent over a year working with him and his compassionate guidance and great wisdom helped me to face and overcome many blockages. I now have the ability to see things from a different angle. In fact, working with Leigh and committing to his Inner Wellness Programme changed my life. And through him I now have so many tools to work with myself to help me face my challenges. A truly great experience.”

– Anne, Switzerland

Meet Leigh

Hi! I am a consultant, writer, and therapist specialising in spiritual self-development. I help people to understand their spiritual purpose, clear the inner blocks to manifesting it, and navigate their current life situations and relationships as they develop and heal spiritually.

Through a unique approach that integrates mindfulness and spiritual self-development, you can learn to awaken to, align with, and embody the spiritual light of your True Self. With the right guidance, support, and tools, you can disentangle from unfulfilling societal norms, release unhelpful patterns, and build your life on a spiritual foundation that honours your deepest authenticity, fosters mind-body-spirit healing, and unlocks your highest potential.

My Story

My journey into spiritual self-development began when I grew up wondering who I really was and what my life was about. I discovered that we often live on autopilot, without challenging our limiting assumptions and patterns of living. Often the voice of our true self is drowned out by the noise of our lives, while disempowering thoughts, feelings, and biases sabotage our health and success. I saw that, by leaving the True Self out, we’ll remain unfulfilled, reactive, and unhappy.

After graduating from university, my passion for inspiring others to open to their True Self for Inner Wellness grew over the years as I trained in counselling, meditation, and holistic therapies (such as EFT) and began helping people to find direction and grow in their spiritual development and potential.

Between 1996-2004 I championed consciousness-change by organising nine annual world meditation days that linked up thousands of people across the world in meditation—an event that made front page news and was measured by the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University.

I have always been a source of wisdom and guidance for people. Today I’m empowering a new community of conscious people to have greater health, life fulfilment, and happiness. Join us and learn how to free yourself from the blocks that hold you back; how to clear entanglements, confusion, and debilitating states; and how to develop your potential and connect with the power of your True Self. To get started, book a Guidance Call with me.

What Others Say

Supporting Life Changes


“I had an Authentic Living consultation with Leigh and was very pleased with the outcome… Leigh has a very natural ability to support those who wish to make changes in their lives for the better!”

— Chris, Coventry, UK

Learning on Every Level


“Leigh’s sincerity and dedication to his spiritual practice radiate from him. The depth of Leigh’s knowledge and insight facilitate learning on every level, and his workshop shone with peace.”

— Kate, Coventry, UK

Exciting and Extraordinary


“Well delivered talk with exciting and extraordinary information that makes you thirsty to hear more.”

— Angela, Birmingham, UK

From the Wisdom Blog

The Art of Self-Inquiry

The Art of Self-Inquiry

Self-inquiry is the practice of exploring your true self and examining your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and patterns to cultivate self-awareness and gain valuable insights for your self-development and authenticity. It is a powerful practice for overcoming conditioning. By practising self-inquiry with...

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The Power of the Mindfulness of Breath Meditation

The Power of the Mindfulness of Breath Meditation

This simple but powerful mindfulness of breath meditation helps you disengage from the endless cycle of automatic thoughts and emotions that trap you in overthinking and reactivity. It allows you to anchor your attention in the present moment upon your breath. This frees you from stress, rumination,...

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Finding Your True Self

Finding Your True Self

Finding your true self, beyond the conditioning of your personality, is the most important thing you can do for self-development, and to achieve real happiness, fulfilment, and wellbeing. Finding your true self is your biggest life solution. It is the master key that unlocks your full potential and purpose in all areas of...

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Three Steps to Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness

Three Steps to Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness

The key to mind-body-spirit wellness is to realise that you are a whole, multidimensional being. Mind, body, and spirit are not separate but exist as one continuum. You can lose your sense of wellness when you disregard this interconnection, especially when you become trapped in your mind, reacting to...

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The 3 Keys to True Love

The 3 Keys to True Love

True love is a natural state that your relationships should be based on. It isn't based on idealistic expectations, ego-driven desires, or appearances of a perfect match—although compatibility is of course important to the success of relationships. True love can emerge when you commit to growing emotionally, healing any emotional blocks, and clearing any reactive...

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A Meditation to Find Your True Self

A Meditation to Find Your True Self

Meditation has been used as a tool for self-realisation and self-development for thousands of years. In an earlier post, I listed meditation as one of the four ways of Finding Your True Self. Meditation is possibly the most powerful of the four ways. Given that a strong alignment with your true self is critical for...

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Spiritual Awakening: Definition, Symptoms and Techniques

Spiritual Awakening: Definition, Symptoms and Techniques

What is Spiritual Awakening? Spiritual awakening is a natural and necessary stage in the evolution of your consciousness and the maturation of your ego. It is the process of evolving your consciousness towards more spiritual states, in which you experience...

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The True Self

The True Self

Your true self is your true nature and identity found at the deepest core of your being. Unlike your personality self or ego, your true self is not your conditioned personality self formed from childhood that you most commonly identify with because of its link with your physical body. Your true self is certainly not the roles, behaviour...

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Overcoming Apathy and Action Paralysis

Overcoming Apathy and Action Paralysis

Apathy and action paralysis hinder self-development and positive change by stopping you from taking the required action. These unresourceful reactive states often have unconscious roots, making it easy for them to overpower you if you don't have an effective mindfulness strategy in place. When...

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The Power of Metacognitive States

The Power of Metacognitive States

Metacognition is a key component of mindfulness. It is the awareness, established from your observer self, of your thought processes and emotions, and the patterns behind them. But what if I told you that metacognition is more than this? It is the most powerful tool...

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Activating Your Light Body

Activating Your Light Body

Activating your light body is a key stage of your journey of spiritual evolution, and helps you to move into greater healing, empowerment, and wisdom through your greater spiritual embodiment. Your light body is your core spiritual self. You can think of it as a higher dimensional subtle energy body, a higher order of personal...

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How to Release Negative Patterns Effectively

How to Release Negative Patterns Effectively

Negative patterns are unproductive and reactive habits of thinking, feeling, and behaving that limit and sabotage your self-development, wellbeing, and relationships. We all have them as part of our childhood conditioning and ego-patterning. They are part of our...

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The Art of Critical Thinking: Key Steps to Free the Mind

The Art of Critical Thinking: Key Steps to Free the Mind

Critical thinking is essential for freedom of thought and effective reasoning and decision-making. It's required to attain higher degrees of awareness, truth, and wisdom, helping you spot faulty thinking that could hold you back and sabotage your development and wellbeing. On...

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Spiritual Community

Spiritual Community

Spiritual community is essential for fully actualising our true selves. It empowers us to awaken spiritually and to form natural, heart-centred spiritual connections with others. With the mutual support of a spiritual community, we can more easily awaken to, accept, and ground our spiritual selves into the physical world, helping to make it a better place....

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Begin Your New Life Now!


Being fully present with mindfulness is the key to releasing your reactivity and unresourceful states and opening up to the magic that is waiting for you when you are more spiritually conscious, developing your full self, and living your Full Life Potential.

Book a Guidance Call with me to discover how to clear your blocks and develop greater mindfulness, resourcefulness, and spiritual alignment with your True Self so you can live the extraordinary life that awaits you.