Activating your light body is a key stage of your journey of spiritual evolution, and helps you to move into greater healing, empowerment, and wisdom through your greater spiritual embodiment. Your light body is your core spiritual self. You can think of it as a higher dimensional subtle energy body, a higher order of personal presence connecting you with the greater spiritual whole of all that is. It is your vehicle for expanded, higher consciousness that may only be partly in incarnation until it is more fully integrated.

Activating your light body is essential for remembering who you really are and why you are really here, and for being present in your full multidimensional being. Being present in your light body helps you to live your life with full spiritual health. Activating your light body requires you to expand your consciousness and embrace your spiritual nature, and then ground it and integrate it into your physical being. Its full integration allows you to embody your highest spiritual potential in daily life. You become more light-filled and hold the resonance for light-filled consciousness on Earth.

Awakening to Your Light Body

The search for your true nature is a journey of reconnection that involves awakening to your greater, spiritual self. For many, this search is a journey well-earned after a lifetime of being stuck in patterns of automatic materialistic thinking and distorted conceptual overlays that obscure the deeper truth. This spiritual awakening can be triggered spontaneously in response to outside influences, uncontainable inner experience and peak experiences, or spiritual emergencies such as life-threatening situations and evolutionary crises that require your spiritual intervention. Once you awaken spiritually in this way, and explore your inner spirituality, you can become aware of your light body as a light-filled presence around you and within you.

Awakening to your light body can also be triggered more consciously when you practise mindfulness and meditation as part of your spiritual self-development and inner calling. Specifically, the conscious cultivation of metacognitive states in mindful meditation allows you to disengage from the trance of automatic thinking and the pull of reactive impulses so that you can bring your attention back to your centre as observer, where you are free for spiritual insight to emerge as you attune to spiritual reality and gradually awaken to your light body as your inner presence of light.

Benefits of Activating Your Light Body

Activating your light body is necessary for your full evolution. While you can honour the wholeness of life and live by spiritual values, if you are simply following spiritual principles and are not experiencing and embodying the light of your true self, your spiritual experience will be limited. Aspects of your spiritual evolution will be missed as you become reliant on external information for your spiritual wisdom. You also risk giving your power away if you become a follower or lose yourself in indiscriminate conformity to spiritual practices. The purpose of your spiritual evolution is ultimately for you to experience your full spiritual nature, your light body, and to empower yourself in it and ground it in form by being it and expressing it in all aspects of your life. As you integrate your light body fully and activate it, your spiritual light shines forth, purifying your whole being so that you are radiant with light. You are then able to:

  • Clear and heal maladaptive patterns, unprocessed emotions, and negative imprints that afflict you
  • Release negative and distorted thinking that holds you back
  • Nourish your body, mind, and spirit with light
  • Open your heart fully with pure love and compassion
  • Experience radiant peace and joy
  • Maintain a pure state of light-filled being
  • Experience oneness with all that is
  • Awaken profound intuition and inner guidance
  • Realign with your true life purpose
  • Anchor higher consciousness on Earth, contributing to collective evolution

As your thoughts, feelings and actions become light-filled as a result of integrating your light body and anchoring the light into all of your earthly experience, you embody higher consciousness and radiate light, and in doing so anchor light on Earth and assist the world to evolve spiritually. It’s important to honour your spiritual health by standing strong in your light and centring yourself in your light body on a daily basis as the pull of the material world is very strong and the many distortions present in unconscious material living can pull you out of alignment.

Preparing to Activate Your Light Body

To prepare for activating your light body, you will need to:

  • Develop a spiritual focus
  • Clear yourself of blocks
  • Purify your mind, body, and energy

Your spiritual focus is developed by expanding your sense of self beyond the narrow confines of your personality and beyond even the physical dimension. This is best done in meditation. Let go of your thoughts in meditation, come back to your centre, and see if you can experience infinite presence. Expand your awareness into the underlying unity of all things. See if you can feel and experience how you are part of the greater whole and a multidimensional whole. You are now starting to release your over-identification with your ego self. Now see if you can experience a sense of infinite light or presence within all that is and feel its spiritual power.

Clearing your blocks is important for receiving and holding the light, as well as raising your consciousness. Blocks include such things as negative beliefs, negative emotions, stuck patterns of consciousness, and blockages in your subtle energetic system, all of which can distort and obscure your light. To clear your blocks, first stop attracting and feeding them with your attention, indulgence, and unconscious unhealthy habits. Become more conscious and discerning of what you give your attention and energy to. Focus on more positive things, building positive and empowering states and perspectives. Mindfulness is the number one practice for taking control of your attention, regulating your emotional state, and reducing automatic reactivity. Use therapies, self-development tools, and meditation on pure light to do the actual clearing. EFT (emotional freedom technique) is very effective for emotional clearing and has proven itself by being used to successfully treat war veterans suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and war trauma; it has also been used effectively to release many other psychological blocks, including fears, phobias, and addictions. EFT and acupuncture can clear energetic blocks, as can meditation when visualising pure light infusing and clearing your energetic system—this is the basis of pranayama in yoga. With full enthusiasm and dedication to your light, face and move through your resistances, and where they are most stubborn, an internal fire will burn up your resistant patterns, strengthening your true will and transforming you.

To purify your mind, body and energy field, keep yourself in a pure environment, create a sacred space around you, and establish healthy boundaries to safeguard what you let in. A key lesson here is to be more discriminating and selective about who and what you allow into your life and your personal space. Let go of toxic relationships and reduce your exposure to negative programming and toxic online content. Withdraw your attention and energy from that which dims your light, takes you out of alignment with your light body, and does not nourish and uplift your spirit. Choose pure, positive thoughts and use positive light-filled affirmations. Meditation remains one of the most effective purification tools for your mind and subtle energetic body. Meditate daily on light infusing your entire multidimensional being, clearing and dissolving impurities in it, so that you are radiant with pure light and your light body shines through. Visualise impurities as dark forms that you are transmuting and dissolving with the light. Keep your body pure and healthy by exercising, detoxing and only taking into it healthy, pure things. Consider having houseplants like Aloe vera and spider plant that detoxify the air and use non-toxic products.

Activating Your Light Body

Your light body has a subtle energetic connection to your physical self through induction. You can receive the light of your light body more strongly by consciously attuning to it and calling it into you through intention and visualisation. This is most effectively done in meditation while in a centred or metacognitive state. The attunement process is just like tuning into the broadcast of a radio station with a radio tuner, where you act as the radio receiver, and the broadcast comes from your light body. Meditation, by inducing a metacognitive theta brainwave state in which thoughts are minimised, reduces interference between you and your light body and is therefore the most important tool for activating your light body.

The first stage of activating your light body begins with the preparation mentioned above. This involves infusing and purifying your whole being with light in meditation and then intending that your energetic vibration is raised in frequency as if you are tuning in to match the frequency broadcast by your light body. You are holding and matching the resonance of your light body. Meditate daily to bring into your being the purest light of the highest frequency while intending that your light body is fully integrated into and merging with your physical being. What you are activating is your full alignment with your radiant light body and your full spiritual self-realisation. Set your intention to be the pure light and to allow that light to expand to heal and transform your being so that you are light-filled and anchoring spiritual light into your body and onto the planet through your light-filled presence and actions.

A simple affirmation to use with your meditation is:

I am a radiant being of light.

To be most effective, repeat your affirmation regularly with full appreciation and accompany it with the feeling of being a radiant being of light. Your affirmation serves as an anchor for your light and helps you to hold the resonance of your light body. As you expand into your full radiance of light and ground it into your physical being, you will also start to anchor a spiritual state of oneness, nondual awareness, or essential unity which then becomes a transformative, resonant state for yourself and the world.

To guide your meditation, listen to my Guided Meditation for Spiritual Attunement and Lightbody Activation.

Be Your True Light

All of your challenges, all of your personality traits and biases, all of your experiences were gifted to you for you to rediscover through them your truth more deeply, for you to know wisdom, for you to live your light and shine it like nobody else through the utter uniqueness of you. You came here to play a part, but the gamble was whether you could hold your full consciousness of light, your purity, the true essence of your being, and allow it to guide you through this life and its many challenges into higher states of truth and being. This requires you to awaken to and activate your light body.

Activate Your Light Body with Me

Now is the time for us all, who hear the call, to activate our light bodies and fully embody our true spiritual selves. This transformative journey of spiritual integration, healing, and self-discovery is our spiritual destiny. If you feel called to deepen your spiritual embodiment as you activate your light body and live from your true spiritual self, I invite you to book a personalised, 90-minute Guidance Call with me. Together, we’ll establish your path to awakening on a stable spiritual foundation that honours your deepest authenticity.