by Leigh Tremaine | New Economics
Money and abundance have always been big topics of interest: on one hand money has been called the root of all evil, and on the other hand we are told that we all deserve to have an infinite amount of it—if we apply ourselves accordingly. Unfortunately there are some...
by Leigh Tremaine | Authentic Community, New Economics
The local-global balance is essential for ensuring that individuals and communities can thrive and become authentically self-realised, while maintaining connectivity on a global scale to support this. Unfortunately, the art of creating this balance is poorly...
by Leigh Tremaine | New Economics
A steady state economy describes a stable economy that does not grow beyond its ecological limits. A steady state economy recognises that the Earth only has a finite amount of natural resources, and a finite carrying capacity, and eliminates the unsustainable...
by Leigh Tremaine | New Economics
A debt-free money system as an alternative to a debt-based money system (money-as-debt) may seem too good to be true, but there are now practical examples of debt-free money systems that have been implemented by communities around the world. Debt-free money is...
by Leigh Tremaine | Authentic Community, New Economics
A gift circle is easy to create. You can create one yourself. By doing so, you can build the kind of authentic values and relationships that will transform economics and build community. It is one of the many ingredients that I see for authentic living. It responds to...
by Leigh Tremaine | Authentic Community, New Economics
Keeping your money local is one of the great evolutionary changes you can make, for yourself and the Planet. It is simple and powerful. It doesn’t require you to climb a mountain. It is a natural practice of mindfulness and authenticity that can be easily...