Finding your true life purpose is important in order to walk a conscious path of authenticity, in alignment with your true self. When we do not know what our true life purpose is, or do not really think about finding out, we run the risk of losing our authenticity and living life by default, on automatic pilot, with limited self-actualisation. Finding your true life purpose—and living it—is essential for you to be yourself, to grow and actualise your potential, and to achieve true and deep fulfilment and joy. It allows you to give your best to yourself and to others, and to let your life energy shine forth, rather than be blocked and drained. It is central to your self-development and wellbeing. In this post, which is a companion to my earlier post Finding Your True Self, I will help you to understand how to find your true life purpose.

What is Your True Life Purpose?

Your true life purpose is to master the lessons to unfolding your authentic potential, in alignment with your true self. Within you there are lessons of life to be learned but also unique gifts to be shared, capacities to be put to use, and a sense of vocation to be followed. These are all authentic expressions of your true self. But what does this really mean? This means that your actions, when carried out mindfully, in alignment with your true self, express the truth of who you really are, and the authentic values you hold. This process of unfolding the true self is also known as self-actualisation.

For many people, there is a resistance to considering their true life purpose, because living their true life purpose requires personal growth and change—which can be scary, especially if they have a lot invested in their old life. Secondly, society currently does not really teach us the skills to look within, or even give importance to this essential task, because it requires for its security more conformity than authenticity. But here’s the thing. Once realised, living our true life purpose is the most natural thing that we can do, and—by dint of that—the most effortless, energising, and joyful. Furthermore, as authentic living increases, the troubles of society that stem from the suffering of inauthentic living will decrease. People’s true light will start to shine. Therefore, your authentic living, as a seed of light for an authentic society, is an act of service. Holding this understanding in your awareness, along with the supreme value of your authenticity, will give you greater motivation to move through your resistance.

While the main details of your true life purpose remain known to only your true self, what can be said is that finding your true life purpose, and then living it, is like putting all the jigsaw pieces of your life into place and coming home. It will open you to greater wholeness within—because everything that is you will find its avenue for expression and fulfilment within the wholeness of your being, and you will reach greater completeness. Furthermore, since your true self is connected with all things in an essential unity, expressing your true life purpose will honour your connection with all of life, and thereby contribute to addressing the issues of social and ecological sustainability—which only remain issues when we fail to honour our whole nature and our place within the greater whole.

How to Find Your True Life Purpose

Finding your true life purpose begins with finding your true self. I want you to read my post Finding Your True Self to understand this foundation step. Once you begin to embody your true self, and stay aligned to it by practising mindfulness, your true life purpose will gradually be discovered and naturally unfold through self-expression and the honouring of your authentic needs and values. Many people do not know what their true life purpose is simply because they do not know who they are.

Often your experience of deep joy and passion will be good indicators of your true life purpose, since they will show that you are aligning with your true self. For example, if you consistently experience deep joy and passion for caring for animals, this will indicate that caring for animals may be part of your true life purpose, and that you have a gift in this area waiting to be uncovered and developed. The sense of an unstoppable inner calling that fires up your joy and passion and even gives you chills can also be an indicator of your true life purpose, and can show that you have already established a channel of communication with your true self. However, to be more proactive in your investigation, it is important to practise self-inquiry and meditation to develop the communication channel further.

Having practised meditation and self-inquiry, and established some knowing of what brings out your joy and passion from a deep place within yourself and answers your inner calling, you can make a list of the things that may be part of your true life purpose. Listing these in order of how strongly and deeply they inspire you and seem to connect you with your true self and make you tingle is important. Don’t worry about the exact form of the things on your list—they may well be idealistic at first, but that is normal as you have not yet explored the alternative expressions through practical experience. You can modify the list over time.

Whatever the indicators are, the finer details of your true life purpose will emerge through self-inquiry and practical experience. Initially it is important not to get too specific in your thinking so that you do not limit the opportunities for the world to respond to your intention of unfolding your potential. With a clear intention, and through more and more feedback and experience, you will gradually get more detail of how your true life purpose can unfold. It is important when mapping out your true life purpose that you practise mindfulness to ensure that your ego is not reactive and that your thinking is at its most effective—for instance not omitting necessary details or distorting or limiting your perception.

As you build a closer relationship with your true self, with a sense of devotion to your authenticity, you will start to become aware of your authentic values. These are the things that are important for living authentically in alignment with your true self. One way to elicit these authentic values is to connect with your true self in the present moment and—while you are in this internal space—to write down the things that you feel to be the most important for being authentic, which would make you more yourself. A list of values can then be drawn up from these and used with your inspiration list above to guide the setting of your life goals, which reflect the details of your true life purpose.

Having developed an awareness of your true life purpose, you’ll need to implement it and to work with an effective goal-setting strategy that guides and empowers you and clears sabotaging negative states and inner blocks.

Next step: book a Guidance Call with me to dive deeper into your true life purpose and how to start living it.

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